Work With Me And I You Will Show How To Build An Insanely Successful Business. A Business That Delivers Greater Profits As You Avoid Years Of Wasted Opportunity. A Business That Accelerates You Towards Financial Freedom.

Like all my clients, within 12 months of working with me you will consistently add $100,000’s in bottom line profits, some of which you go on to reinvest through a simple approach that makes you rich.

My name is Dan Floros.

I lead a business program that shows committed business leaders how to master their business and finances, how to make better decisions, where to focus precious resources, and how to do it in such a way that can be easily replicated long after I am gone.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

You have great intentions to succeed in your business, yet you don’t have a crystal clear plan around exactly how you are going to do it

You are determined and willing to learn but would love to fast-track your success

You have a great business idea but unsure how to turn it into a powerful, profitable entity

Your have inconsistent profits on a quarter to quarter basis

You are unsure what is working in your business and where you should allocate your time, money, and resources

You are spending a large amount of time on tasks that contribute very little to the results you want to attain

You lack a clear marketing strategy for attracting the ideal clients to your business

You would like to know how to not only attract but convert customers to long term clients

You find it a challenge to manage and lead your team for maximum results

You require a powerful online advertising strategy that converts new clients easily and consistently

You would like to reach financial freedom but do not see this happening any time soon

Once and for all, you require a clear strategic approach to running a smooth enterprise

You Are Not Alone!

Look it’s not your fault that you’re not achieving 100% of the results you want (yet). Success can be complicated. Business success has so many facets. Weakness in just one area can lead to underachievement. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that in order to build and maintain a highly profitable business you simply need to implement sound business fundamentals practiced by market leaders the world over.

I have been mentoring business leaders for 16 years showing them exactly how to build a smarter, better, more profitable enterprise.

Australian business leaders like Richard Sheppard and Tyrone Stewart from National Height and Safety, husband and wife team Tolly and Dianne Stoikos from Piotis Australia, plus startups like  Nick Psalia and John Englezos.

Who Is The Quantum Leap Program For?

You are a business leader / owner over the age of 30

You are generating more than $100,000 / annum in your established business

You are launching a new business with more than $50,000 in start up capital

You are committed to investing in yourself on a quarterly basis

You are committed to investing in your business on a monthly basis


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©2016 Dan Floros International